Best Practices ============== In this section, we will learn what are the coding standards and naming conventions are in uAdmin using Golang. * `Rules - Inlines`_ * `Rules - Models`_ * `Rules - New Project`_ * `Rules - Login Process`_ * `Rules - Logs`_ Rules - Inlines --------------- `Back to Top`_ 1.) Inline must be created in main.go after the uadmin.Register. 2.) If you have more than one inline in your project, always match the declared element in a single line inside the uadmin.RegisterInlines for easier debugging process as shown below. .. code-block:: go uadmin.RegisterInlines(/folder_name/./struct_name of a parent model/{}, map[string]string{ "/sub_model name/": "/parent_model name/ID", // first element "/sub_model name/": "/parent_model name/ID", // second element "/sub_model name/": "/parent_model name/ID", // third element }) Example: .. code-block:: go uadmin.RegisterInlines(models.TODOID{}, map[string]string{ "Category": "TODOID", "Friend": "TODOID", "Item": "TODOID", }) | Rules - Models -------------- `Back to Top`_ 1.) The first letter of a model name must be in uppercase format. 2.) Make sure the model name in your project is in singular form because if you run the application, the uAdmin Dashboard will automatically generate a model name in plural form. 3.) It is advisable to always put the model struct externally instead of joining it in the main.go. It can be called by using uadmin.Register. 4.) In every struct, uadmin.Model must always come first before creating a field. .. code-block:: go type (struct_name) struct{ uadmin.Model // Some codes here } | Rules - New Project ------------------- `Back to Top`_ 1.) Make it sure it follows the model structure as shown in `Tutorial Part 1`_. 2.) In every Go file, always remember the pattern: .. code-block:: go // Package name (main if you are in the parent folder, folder_name if you are in the subfolders). // Import required libraries (every Go file has // Input code executions on this part. .. _Tutorial Part 1: 3.) Inside the function of main.go, follow this pattern: .. code-block:: go // uAdmin Global Configuration // Register // RegisterInlines // API Handlers // StartServer 4.) Never tamper the files inside the static folder. It may cause a widespread problem to your application. 5.) In terms of publishing, static files are not included. 6.) Suppose that you have created your own layout. Our server cannot access static files such as HTML/CSS/JS/Images. If you go to that path, it only reads the plain text. In order to serve your static files into your layout, establish a handler in main.go by using http.Handle to access them with the syntax as shown below: .. code-block:: go http.Handle("/assets/folder_name/", http.StripPrefix("/assets/folder_name/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./assets/folder_name/")))) | Rules - Login Process --------------------- `Back to Top`_ 1.) Avoid using common passwords such as "123456" and "password". Use a password that contains an uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols for strong security. 2.) Enable two factor authentication in your user account. 2FA adds an extra layer of security that makes it harder for an attacker to access your data. 3.) Always set an email address in the user account just in case if he forgots his password. 4.) Getting the User through `IsAuthenticated`_ function 5.) For every password field in the model, apply "`encrypt`_" tag to protect the user from security attacks. 6.) You can also apply `uadmin.GenerateBase32`_, `uadmin.GenerateBase64`_, or `uadmin.Salt`_ as an alternative way to secure the user's password. .. _IsAuthenticated: .. _encrypt: .. _uadmin.GenerateBase32: .. _uadmin.GenerateBase64: .. _uadmin.Salt: | Rules - Logs ------------ `Back to Top`_ .. _Back to Top: 1.) Edit and Delete logs will allow you to "Undo” them or "Roll Back” your changes. It is a good feature for the user who accidentally made changes to the record in the database. 2.) When you access to any records you have in your system, there is a "History" button which redirects you to the Log on the top left corner. 3.) You can use "Filter" to narrow down what you are looking for. This is useful if your log has too many records in your system.