Getting Started =============== Before you start, make sure you have Golang 1.10.3 or later installed on your machine and configured. To install Golang, follow instructions for your OS on `Golang Downloads`_. If you are not familiar with Golang, we advise you to go over `Golang Tour`_. .. _Golang Downloads: .. _Golang Tour: Apple macOS ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash $ nano .bash_profile Add the following codes inside it. .. code-block:: bash export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin For detailed instructions, visit `Golang and uAdmin Apple macOS Installation`_. .. _Golang and uAdmin Apple macOS Installation: Linux ^^^^^ .. code-block:: bash $ nano .profile Add the following codes inside it. .. code-block:: bash # set PATH so it includes user's private bin directories PATH="$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin export GOPATH=$HOME/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin For detailed instructions, visit `Golang and uAdmin Linux Installation`_. .. _Golang and uAdmin Linux Installation: Windows ^^^^^^^ You have to set your ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES. Click `here`_ for the detailed instructions. .. _here: .. image:: assets/environmentvariables.png | If you have encountered a problem that are looking for gcc, please install `this`_ to aid the problem. .. _this: .. image:: assets/gccerror.png Tutorial ^^^^^^^^ This is a `17`_ part tutorial that will guide you through building upon your Todo list application. Before you start the tutorial, make sure you finish this part from `Your First Application`_. .. _17: .. _Your First Application: