Model: City
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 5
Query: None

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("City", "10", "id", "ascending", "0", "5", "None")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 5, &City, "")
C. uadmin.AdminPage(City, 10, "id", false, 0, 5)
D. uadmin.AdminPage(true, &City, 5, 0, 10, "id")


Model: Animal
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 1
How many records: 3
Query: None

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage(&Animal, "id", true, 1, 3, nil)
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", 1, 3, true, &Animal, nil)
C. uadmin.AdminPage(&Animal, "id", false, 1, 3, true)
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 1, 3, &Animal, "")


Model: Computer
Field to order: Name
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 8
How many records: 5
Query: None

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("name", false, 8, 5, &Computer, "")
B. uadmin.AdminPage(&Computer, "name", false, 8, 5, "")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("name", &Computer, false, 8, 5, "")
D. uadmin.AdminPage(&Computer, false, 8, 5, "name", "")


Model: Sport
Field to order: Description
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 6
How many records: 3
Query: None

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage(&Sport, "description", false, 6, 3, "")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("description", false, 3, 6, &sport, "")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("description", false, 6, 3, &Sport, "")
D. uadmin.AdminPage(&sport, false, 6, 3, "description", "")


Model: Vehicle
Field to order: Name
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 2
How many records: 4
Query: None

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 4, 2, &vehicle, "")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 2, 4, &Vehicle, "")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 4, 2, &Vehicle, "")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 2, 4, &vehicle, "")


Model: Device
Field to order: ID
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 5
How many records: 2
Query: Where status is Active

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 5, 2, &Device, "status = 'Active'")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 5, 2, &device, "status = Active")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 5, 2, &Device, "status = 'active'")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 5, 2, &device, "status = active")


Model: Gift
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 8
Query: Where color is blue

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 8, &Gift, "color = 'blue'")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 8, &gift, "color = Blue")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 8, &Gift, "color = Blue")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 8, &gift, "color = 'blue'")


Model: Clothing
Field to order: Name
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 5
How many records: 4
Query: Where category is School Uniform

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("name", false, 5, 4, &clothing, "category = School Uniform")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("name", false, 5, 4, &Clothing, "category = 'School Uniform'")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("name", false, 5, 4, &clothing, "category = 'School Uniform'")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("name", false, 5, 4, &Clothing, "category = School Uniform")


Model: Battery
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 3
How many records: 7
Query: Where voltage is ?
Argument: High

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 3, 7, &Battery, "voltage = ?", "high")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 3, 7, &Batttery, "voltage = ?", "High")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 7, 3, &Battery, "voltage = ?", "High")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 3, 7, &Battery, "voltage = ?", "High")


Model: Building
Field to order: Height
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 5
Query: Where height is greater than ?
Argument: 500

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("height", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height < ?", 500)
B. uadmin.AdminPage("height", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height > ?", 500)
C. uadmin.AdminPage("height", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height > ?, 500")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("hieght", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height > ?", 500)


Model: Internet
Field to order: ID
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 24
How many records: 7
Query: Where plan is greater than ? and type is ?
Arguments: 250, Home

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ? AND type = ?", 250", "Home")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ?", "type = ?", 250, "Home")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ? AND type = ?", 250, "Home")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ? AND type == ?", 250, "Home")


Model: Restaurant
Field to order: Name
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: All records
Query: Where name is ? or name is ?
Arguments: Jollibee, McDonalds

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 0, -1, &Restaurant, "name = ? OR name = ?", "Jollibee", "McDonalds")
B. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 0, nil, &Restaurant, "name = ? OR name = ?", "Jollibee", "McDonalds")
C. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 0, 0, "Restaurant", "name = ? OR name = ?", "Jollibee, McDonalds")
D. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 0, 999999999999999, &Restaurant, "name = ? OR name = ?", "Jollibee", "McDonalds")


Model: Application
Field to order: Name
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 5
How many records: 10
Query: Where country is ? and year is ?
Arguments: Norway, 2006

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "norway", 2006)
B. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "Norway, 2006)
C. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?, "Norway", 2006)
D. uadmin.AdminPage("name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "Norway", 2006)


Model: Toy
Assigned variables: listOfToys := strings.Split(r.FormValue("id"), ",") and year := 1991
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 2
How many records: 8
Query: Where the system allows you to specify the multiple values of ID and year is not ?
Arguments: Given assigned variables

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdmimPage("id", true, 2, 8, &Toy, "id IN (?) AND NOT year = ?", listOfToys, year)
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 2, 8, &Toy, "id IN (?) AND NOT year = ?", listOfToys, year)
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 2, 8, &Toy, "id IN (?) AND NOT year = ?", year, listOfToys)
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 2, 8, &Toy, "id IN ? AND NOT year = ?", listOfToys, year)


Model: Employee
Assigned variables: listOfEmployees := strings.Split(r.FormValue("id"), ","), firstNameSearch := r.FormValue("fn"), lastNameSearch := r.FormValue("ln")
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 32
Query: Where the system allows you to specify the multiple values of ID and first name has a value that starts with letter a or last name has a value that ends with letter a
Arguments: Given assigned variables

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE ?% OR ln LIKE %?)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
B. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE %? OR ln LIKE ?%)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
C. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE ? OR ln LIKE ?)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
D. uadmin.AdminPage("id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (ln LIKE %?% OR fn LIKE %?%)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)