Which uAdmin function sends email using system configured variables?

A. uadmin.SendEmail
B. uadmin.EmailSend
C. uadmin.SendToEmail
D. uadmin.EmailToSend


What are the required uAdmin functions for sender email configuration?

A. From, Username, Password, SMTPServer, SMTPServerPort
B. SenderEmail, EmailSent, SendingEmail, SendToEmail, SendEmailToReceiver
C. EmailFrom, EmailUsername, EmailPassword, EmailSMTPServer, EmailSMTPServerPort
D. FromEmail, UsernameEmail, PasswordEmail, SMTPServerEmail, SMTPServerPortEmail


What is the structure of your answer in number 1 to be followed in order to send an email?

A. func(to, cc, bcc string, subject, body []string) (err error)
B. func(subject, body []string, to, cc, bcc string) (err error)
C. func(to, cc, bcc []string, subject, body string) (err error)
D. func(subject, body string, to, cc, bcc []string) (err error)


The name of the sender is John Doe.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.Name = "John Doe"
B. uadmin.User = "John Doe"
C. uadmin.Username = "John Doe"
D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "John Doe"


The username of the sender is and the password is 123456.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.Username = ""
        uadmin.Password = "123456"

B. uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "123456"

C. uadmin.UsernameEmail = ""
        uadmin.PasswordEmail = "123456"

D. uadmin.EmailUsername = "123456"
        uadmin.EmailPassword = ""


The SMTP server address is and the SMTP Port is 465.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.SMTPServerAddress = ""
        uadmin.SMTPPort = 465

B. uadmin.EmailSMTPServerAddress = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPPort = 465

C. uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465

D. uadmin.SMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.SMTPServerPort = 465


The name of the sender is Allen Dale. His username is and password is dale123.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Allen Dale"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dale123"

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Alien Dale"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dale123"

C. uadmin.FromEmail = "Allen Dale"
        uadmin.UsernameEmail = ""
        uadmin.PasswordEmail = "dale123"

D. uadmin.FromEmail = "Alien Dale"
        uadmin.UsernameEmail = ""
        uadmin.PasswordEmail = "dale123"


An email will be sent to The subject is Greeting and the message is Hello, my friend!.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.SendEmail("", "Greeting", "Hello, my friend!")
B. uadmin.SendEmail("Greeting", "Hello, my friend!", []string{""}, []string{}, []string{})
C. uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"Greeting"}, []string{"Hello, my friend!"}, "")
D. uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Greeting", "Hello, my friend!")


The name of the sender is David Price. His username is and password is zymurgy. The SMTP server address is and the SMTP Port is 465.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "David Price"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "zymurgy"
        uadmin.SMTPServer= ""
        uadmin.SMTPServerPort = 465

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "David Price"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "zymurgy"
        uadmin.SMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.SMTPServerPort = 485

C. uadmin.EmailFrom = "David Price"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "zymurgy"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465

D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "David Price"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "zymurgy"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 485


An email will be sent to and with a carbon copy of and a blind carbon copy of The subject is Field Trip and the message is Hello guys! Are you going to the field trip today?.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"", ""}, []string{""}, []string{""}, "Field Trip", "Hello guys! Are you going to the field trip today?")

B. uadmin.SendEmail("Field Trip", "Hello guys! Are you going to the field trip today?", []string{"", ""}, []string{""}, []string{""})

C. uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{"", ""}, []string{""}, "Field Trip", "Hello guys! Are you going to the field trip today?")

D. uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{""}, []string{"", ""}, "Field Trip", "Hello guys! Are you going to the field trip today?")








The username of the sender is and the password is live0670.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Jane Doe"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "live0678"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Birthday Invitation", "Hello Rexxar! I would like to invite you for my birthday party tomorrow.")

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Jane Doe"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "live0670"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 485
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Birthday Invitation", "Hello Rexxar! I would like to invite you for my birthday party tomorrow.")

C. uadmin.EmailFrom = ""
        uadmin.EmailUsername = "Jane Doe"
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "live0670"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Birthday Invitation", "Hello Rexxar! I would like to invite you for my birthday party tomorrow.")

D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Jane Doe"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "live0670"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Birthday Invitation", "Hello Rexxar! I would like to invite you for my birthday party tomorrow.")








The username of the sender is and the password is dec061971.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Charles Robin"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dec061971"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{""}, []string{}, "Field Trip", "Good afternoon guys! There is a new fun ride located in Disneyland Park. Are you available today?")

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Charles Robin"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dec061971"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{""}, []string{}, "Field Trip", "Good morning guys! There is a new fun ride located in Disneyland Park. Are you available today?")

C. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Charles Robin"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dec061971"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{""}, []string{}, "Field Trip", "Good morning guys! There is a new fun ride located in Disneyland Park. Are you available today?")

D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Charles Robin"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "dec061971"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{""}, []string{}, "Field Trip", "Good afternoon guys! There is a new fun ride located in Disneyland Park. Are you available today?")








The username of the sender is and the password is support123hrservices.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "24-7 Support Services"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "support123hrservices"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Job Application", "We have received your resume expressing interest in working for our company. You will have an initial interview on March 29, 2019. To confirm, send us your full name and job position.")

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "24-7 Support Services"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "support123hrservices"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Job Application", "We have received your resume expressing interest in working for our company. You will have an initial interview on March 29, 2019. To confirm, send us your full name and job position.")

C. uadmin.EmailFrom = "24-7 Support Services"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "support123hrservices"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Job Application", "We have received your resume expressing interest in working for our company. You will have an initial interview on March 28, 2019. To confirm, send us your full name and job position.")

D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "24-7 Support Services"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "support123hrservices"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{""}, []string{}, []string{}, "Job Application", "We have received your resume expressing interest in working for our company. You will have an initial interview on March 29, 2019. To confirm, send us your full name and job position.")








The username of the sender is and the password is miniminimainimo.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Horace Mincy Walker"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "miniminimainimo"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"",""}, []string{""}, []string{""}, "Wedding Anniversary", "Good morning everyone! Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary in La Paz Cathedral building. The wedding will start at 8:00 in the morning followed by reception. Let me know if you guys will come. Thank you!")

B. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Horace Mincy Walker"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "miniminimainimo"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"",""}, []string{""}, []string{""}, "Wedding Anniversary", "Good morning everyone! Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary in La Paz Cathedral building. The wedding will start at 8:00 in the morning followed by reception. Let me know if you guys will come. Thank you!")

C. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Horace Mincy Walker"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "miniminimainimo"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"",""}, []string{""}, []string{""}, "Wedding Anniversary", "Good morning everyone! Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary in La Paz Cathedral building. The wedding will start at 8:00 in the evening followed by reception. Let me know if you guys will come. Thank you!")

D. uadmin.EmailFrom = "Horace Mincy Walker"
        uadmin.EmailUsername = ""
        uadmin.EmailPassword = "miniminimainimo"
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServer = ""
        uadmin.EmailSMTPServerPort = 465
        uadmin.SendEmail([]string{"",""}, []string{""}, []string{""}, "Wedding Anniversary", "Good morning everyone! Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary in La Paz Cathedral building. The wedding will start at 6:00 in the morning followed by reception. Let me know if you guys will come. Thank you!")