animal := []models.Animal{}
x := 1

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the first record of the database and get only fields tagged with stringer tag?

A. uadmin.GetStringer(animal, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetStringer(animal, "id == ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetStringer(&animal, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetStringer(&animal, "id == ?", x)


device := []models.Device{}
x := 3

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the third record of the database and get only fields tagged with stringer tag?

A. uadmin.GetStringer(&device, "id == ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetStringer(device, "id == ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetStringer(&device, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetStringer(device, "id = ?", x)


player := []models.Player{}
x := 5
y := 2

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the second record of the database and get only fields tagged with stringer tag?

A. uadmin.GetStringer(player, "id = ?", x)/span>
B. uadmin.GetStringer(player, "id = ?", y)
C. uadmin.GetStringer(&player, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetStringer(&player, "id = ?", y)


television := []models.Television{}
x := 4
y := 7

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the fourth record of the database and get only fields tagged with stringer tag?

A. uadmin.GetStringer(&television, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetStringer(&television, "id = ?", y)
C. uadmin.GetStringer(television, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetStringer(television, "id = ?", y)


country := []models.Country{}
w := 2
x := 4
y := 6
z := 8

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the eighth record of the database and get only fields tagged with stringer tag?

A. uadmin.GetStringer(&country, "id = ?", w)
B. uadmin.GetStringer(&country, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetStringer(&country, "id = ?", y)
D. uadmin.GetStringer(&country, "id = ?", z)


activity := []models.Activity{}
modelschema := uadmin.Schema["activity"]
x := 4

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the fourth record of the database where it selects only visible fields in the form based on given schema?

A. uadmin.GetForm(activity, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetForm(&activity, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetForm(activity, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetForm(&activity, modelschema, "id = ?", x)


sport := []models.Sport{}
modelschema := uadmin.Schema["sport"]
x := 7

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the seventh record of the database where it selects only visible fields in the form based on given schema?

A. uadmin.GetForm(&sport, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetForm(&sport, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetForm(sport, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetForm(sport, modelschema, "id = ?", x)


cartoon := []models.Cartoon{}
modelschema := uadmin.Schema["cartoon"]
x := 1

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the first record of the database where it selects only visible fields in the form based on given schema?

A. uadmin.GetForm(&cartoon, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetForm(cartoon, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetForm(&cartoon, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetForm(cartoon, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)


decoration := []models.Decoration{}
modelschema := uadmin.Schema["decoration"]
x := 6

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the sixth record of the database where it selects only visible fields in the form based on given schema?

A. uadmin.GetForm(decoration, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetForm(&decoration, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetForm(&decoration, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetForm(decoration, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)


company := []models.Company{}
modelschema := uadmin.Schema["company"]
x := 10

Which uAdmin function will be used to fetch the tenth record of the database where it selects only visible fields in the form based on given schema?

A. uadmin.GetForm(&company, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
B. uadmin.GetForm(company, &modelschema, "id = ?", x)
C. uadmin.GetForm(company, modelschema, "id = ?", x)
D. uadmin.GetForm(&company, modelschema, "id = ?", x)


Model: Gift
ModelSchema: GiftSchema
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 8
Query: Where color is ?
Argument: Blue

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.FilterList(&GiftSchema, "id", true, 0, 8, &Gift, "color = ?", "Blue")
B. uadmin.FilterList(GiftSchema, "id", true, 0, 8, &Gift, "color = ?", "Blue")
C. uadmin.FilterList(&GiftSchema, "id", true, 0, 8, Gift, "color = ?", "Blue")
D. uadmin.FilterList(GiftSchema, "id", true, 0, 8, Gift, "color = ?", "Blue")


Model: Building
ModelSchema: BuildingSchema
Field to order: Height
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 5
Query: Where height is greater than ?
Argument: 500

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.FilterList(BuildingSchema, "height", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height > ?", 500)
B. uadmin.FilterList(&BuildingSchema, "height", true, 0, 5, Building, "height > ?", 500)
C. uadmin.FilterList(BuildingSchema, "height", true, 0, 5, Building, "height > ?", 500)
D. uadmin.FilterList(&BuildingSchema, "height", true, 0, 5, &Building, "height > ?", 500)


Model: Internet
ModelSchema: InternetSchema
Field to order: ID
Sort: Descending
Index to start: 24
How many records: 7
Query: Where plan is greater than ? and type is ?
Arguments: 250, Home

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.FilterList(&InternetSchema, "id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan < ? AND type = ?", 250, "Home")
B. uadmin.FilterList(&InternetSchema, "id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ? AND type = ?", 250, "Home")
C. uadmin.FilterList(&InternetSchema, "id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ?", "type = ?", 250, "Home")
D. uadmin.FilterList(&InternetSchema, "id", false, 24, 7, &Internet, "plan > ? AND type == ?", 250, "Home")


Model: Application
ModelSchema: ApplicationSchema
Field to order: Name
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 5
How many records: 10
Query: Where country is ? and year is ?
Arguments: Norway, 2006

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.FilterList(&ApplicationSchema, "name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "norway", 2006)
B. uadmin.FilterList(&ApplicationSchema, "name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "Norway, 2006)
C. uadmin.FilterList(&ApplicationSchema, "name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?", "Norway", 2006)
D. uadmin.FilterList(&ApplicationSchema, "name", true, 5, 10, &Application, "country = ? AND year = ?, "Norway", 2006)


Model: Employee
ModelSchema: EmployeeSchema
Assigned variables: listOfEmployees := strings.Split(r.FormValue("id"), ","), firstNameSearch := r.FormValue("fn"), lastNameSearch := r.FormValue("ln")
Field to order: ID
Sort: Ascending
Index to start: 0
How many records: 32
Query: Where the system allows you to specify the multiple values of ID and first name has a value that starts with letter a or last name has a value that ends with letter a
Arguments: Given assigned variables

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.FilterList(&EmployeeSchema, "id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE %? OR ln LIKE ?%)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
B. uadmin.FilterList(&EmployeeSchema, "id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE ? OR ln LIKE ?)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
C. uadmin.FilterList(&EmployeeSchema, "id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (fn LIKE ?% OR ln LIKE %?)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)
D. uadmin.FilterList(&EmployeeSchema, "id", true, 0, 32, &Employee, "id IN (?) AND (ln LIKE %?% OR fn LIKE %?%)", listOfEmployees, firstNameSearch, lastNameSearch)