Which uAdmin function is a key for encryption and decryption of data in the DB?

A. uadmin.EncryptKey
B. uadmin.DecryptKey
C. uadmin.EncryptionKey
D. uadmin.DecryptionKey


Which uAdmin function is the name of the theme used in uAdmin?

A. uadmin.NameTheme
B. uadmin.Theme
C. uadmin.ThemeName
D. uadmin.Background


Which uAdmin function allows a user to customize any languages in the uAdmin system?

A. uadmin.CustomizeTranslation
B. uadmin.CustomizeLanguage
C. uadmin.CustomTranslation
D. uadmin.CustomLanguage


Which uAdmin function is used to check if a model should be hidden in the dashboard?

A. uadmin.HiddenInDashboard
B. uadmin.HideInDashboard
C. uadmin.HiddenInDashboarder
D. uadmin.HideInDashboarder


Which uAdmin function allows a translation to store data in a cache memory?

A. uadmin.CacheTranslation
B. uadmin.CacheMemory
C. uadmin.TranslationData
D. uadmin.TranslationMemory


The name of the theme is Valentines.

Which of the following assigns the theme name in uAdmin?

A. uadmin.ThemeName = "Valentines"
B. uadmin.NameTheme = "Valentines"
C. uadmin.Background = "Valentines"
D. uadmin.Theme = "Valentines"


The translation to store data in a cache memory is active.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.CacheTranslation = true
B. uadmin.CacheMemory = true
C. uadmin.TranslationData = true
D. uadmin.TranslationMemory = true


The name of the key is "Welcome to uAdmin, the Golang Web Framework!".

Which uAdmin function assigns the key for encryption and decryption of data in the DB?

A. uadmin.EncryptionKey = []byte("Welcome to uAdmin, the Golang Web Framework!")
B. uadmin.EncryptKey = []byte("Welcome to uAdmin, the Golang Web Framework!")
C. uadmin.DecryptionKey = []byte("Welcome to uAdmin, the Golang Web Framework!")
D. uadmin.DecryptKey = []byte("Welcome to uAdmin, the Golang Web Framework!")


The name of the theme is Christmas.

Which of the following assigns the theme name in uAdmin?

A. uadmin.ThemeName = "Christmas"
B. uadmin.Theme = "Christmas"
C. uadmin.Background = "Christmas"
D. uadmin.NameTheme = "Christmas"


The translation to store data in a cache memory is not active.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. uadmin.TranslationMemory = false
B. uadmin.CacheMemory = false
C. uadmin.TranslationData = false
D. uadmin.CacheTranslation = false


The translation file to be stored in the models path are teacher and student.

Which uAdmin function allows a user to customize any languages in the uAdmin system?

A. uadmin.CustomizeTranslation = []string{"models/teacher", "models/student"}
B. uadmin.CustomizeLanguage = []string{"models/teacher", "models/student"}
C. uadmin.CustomTranslation = []string{"models/teacher", "models/student"}
D. uadmin.CustomLanguage = []string{"models/teacher", "models/student"}


Suppose you have given source code that contains the models listed inside an interface:

modelList := []interface{}{
for i := range modelList {
     // Your code

Which of the following is used to check the returning value of the HideInDashboard function for each listed models stated above?

A. modelList[i].(uadmin.HideInDashboard).HideInDashboard()
B. modelList[i].(uadmin.HiddenInDashboarder).HideInDashboard()
C. modelList[i].(uadmin.HideInDashboarder).HideInDashboard()
D. modelList[i].(uadmin.HiddenInDashboard).HideInDashboard()


The key values are 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100.

Which uAdmin function assigns the key for encryption and decryption of data in the DB?

A. uadmin.EncryptKey = []byte{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
B. uadmin.DecryptKey = []byte{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
C. uadmin.EncryptionKey = []byte{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
D. uadmin.DecryptionKey = []byte{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100}


The translation file to be stored in the world path are asian, european, and hawaiian.

Which uAdmin function allows a user to customize any languages in the uAdmin system?

A. uadmin.CustomizeTranslation = []string{"world/asian", "world/european", "world/hawaiian"}
B. uadmin.CustomTranslation = []string{"world/asian", "world/european", "world/hawaiian"}
C. uadmin.CustomizeLanguage = []string{"world/asian", "world/european", "world/hawaiian"}
D. uadmin.CustomLanguage = []string{"world/asian", "world/european", "world/hawaiian"}


Suppose you have given source code that contains the models listed inside an interface:

elementList := []interface{}{
for i := range elementList {
     // Your code

Which of the following is used to check the returning value of the HideInDashboard function for each listed models stated above?

A. elementList[i].(uadmin.HideInDashboard).HideInDashboard()
B. elementList[i].(uadmin.HiddenInDashboard).HideInDashboard()
C. elementList[i].(uadmin.HiddenInDashboarder).HideInDashboard()
D. elementList[i].(uadmin.HideInDashboarder).HideInDashboard()