Suppose you have given record as shown below:

Name: Sporting Dog
Default Value: Irish Setter
Data Type: String
Value: Irish Setter
Help: This animal is a setter, a breed of gundog, and family dog.
Category: Animal
Code: Animal.SportingDog

Which uAdmin function will be used to get the value of the setting?

A. uadmin.GetSetting("Animal.SportingDog")
B. uadmin.GetSetting("Animal")
C. uadmin.GetSetting("SportingDog")
D. uadmin.GetSetting("SportingDog.Animal")


Suppose you have given record as shown below:

Name: Graduate Student
Default Value: true
Data Type: Boolean
Value: 1
Help: The student has graduated in college with honors.
Category: Academics
Code: Academics.GraduateStudent

Which uAdmin function will be used to get the value of the setting?

A. uadmin.GetSetting("GraduateStudent.Academics")
B. uadmin.GetSetting("Academics.GraduateStudent")
C. uadmin.GetSetting("GraduateStudent")
D. uadmin.GetSetting("Academics")


Suppose you have given record as shown below:

Name: Happy New Year
Default Value: January 1, 2020
Data Type: Date Time
Value: January 1, 2020
Help: It is the first day of the year.
Category: Holiday
Code: Holiday.HappyNewYear

Which uAdmin function will be used to get the value of the setting?

A. uadmin.GetSetting("HappyNewYear")
B. uadmin.GetSetting("HappyNewYear.Holiday")
C. uadmin.GetSetting("Holiday.HappyNewYear")
D. uadmin.GetSetting("Holiday")


Suppose you have given record as shown below:

Name: Number
Default Value: 777
Data Type: Integer
Value: 777
Help: The angel's number
Category: Symbolism
Code: Symbolism.Number

Which uAdmin function will be used to get the value of the setting?

A. uadmin.GetSetting("Number.Symbolism")
B. uadmin.GetSetting("Symbolism")
C. uadmin.GetSetting("Number")
D. uadmin.GetSetting("Symbolism.Number")


Suppose you have given record as shown below:

Name: Irrational Number
Default Value: 3.1416
Data Type: Float
Value: 3.1416
Help: The value of Pi
Category: Mathematics
Code: Mathematics.IrrationalNumber

Which uAdmin function will be used to get the value of the setting?

A. uadmin.GetSetting("IrrationalNumber")
B. uadmin.GetSetting("Mathematics.IrrationalNumber")
C. uadmin.GetSetting("Mathematics")
D. uadmin.GetSetting("IrrationalNumber.Mathematics")



The image is located in /media/images/ path.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Music",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png",

B. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Music",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png",

C. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Music",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png"

D. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Music",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png"



The image is located in /media/images/ path.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Transportation",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png"

B. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Transportation",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png"

C. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Transportation",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png",

D. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Transportation",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png",



The image is located in /media/images/ path.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Multimedia",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png",

B. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Multimedia",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png"

C. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Multimedia",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png",

D. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Multimedia",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png"



The image is located in /media/images/ path.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Restaurant",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png"

B. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Restaurant",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png",

C. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Restaurant",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png",

D. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Restaurant",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png"



The image is located in /media/images/ path.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Technology",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png"

B. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Technology",
                Image: "/media/images/image.png",

C. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Technology",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png"

D. settingCategory := uadmin.SettingCategory{
                Name: "Technology",
                Icon: "/media/images/image.png",


Average life expectancy for women [81.6]:

The average life expectancy value is based on the United States

The setting category is Country that has an ID of 4.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 4,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Float(),
                DefaultValue: "81.6",
                Help: "The average life expectancy value is based on the United States",
                Name: "Average life expectancy for men",
                Value: "81.6",

B. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 4,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Float(),
                DefaultValue: "81.6",
                Help: "The average life expectancy value is based on the United States",
                Name: "Average life expectancy for women",
                Value: "81.6",

C. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 2,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Float(),
                DefaultValue: "81.6",
                Help: "The average life expectancy value is based on the United States",
                Name: "Average life expectancy for women",
                Value: "81.6",

D. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 4,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Float(),
                DefaultValue: "81.6",
                Help: "The average life expectancy value is based on the United States",
                Name: "Average life expectancy for women",
                Value: "81.8",


City [Kyoto]:

It is the capital city of Japan.

The setting category is Location that has an ID of 8.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).String(),
                DefaultValue: "Kyoto",
                Help: "It is the capital city of Japan.",
                Name: "City",
                Value: "Tokyo",

B. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).String(),
                DefaultValue: "Tokyo",
                Help: "It is the capital city of Japan.",
                Name: "City",
                Value: "Kyoto",

C. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).String(),
                DefaultValue: "Kyoto",
                Help: "It is the capital city of Japan.",
                Name: "Tokyo",
                Value: "City",

D. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).String(),
                DefaultValue: "City",
                Help: "It is the capital city of Japan.",
                Name: "Kyoto",
                Value: "Tokyo",


Amount [100]:

The maximum amount of bill in the United States within the circulation

The setting category is Currency that has an ID of 5.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 5,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Integer(),
                DefaultValue: "100",
                Help: "The maximum amount of bill in the United States within the circulation",
                Name: "Anoumt",
                Value: "100",

B. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 5,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Integer(),
                DefaultValue: "100",
                Help: "The maximum amount of bill in the United States within the circulation",
                Name: "Amount",
                Value: "108",

C. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 5,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Integer(),
                DefaultValue: "100",
                Help: "The maximum amount of bill in the United States outside the circulation",
                Name: "Amount",
                Value: "100",

D. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 5,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Integer(),
                DefaultValue: "100",
                Help: "The maximum amount of bill in the United States within the circulation",
                Name: "Amount",
                Value: "100",


Event Date [December 25, 2019]:

The date when Christmas was celebrated

The setting category is Holiday that has an ID of 8.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).DateTime(),
                DefaultValue: "December 25, 2019",
                Help: "The date when Christmas was celebrated",
                Name: "Event Date",
                Value: "2019-12-25",

B. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).DateTime(),
                DefaultValue: "December 25, 2019",
                Help: "The date when Christmas was celebrated",
                Name: "Event Date",
                Value: "December 25, 2019",

C. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).DateTime(),
                DefaultValue: "2019-12-25",
                Help: "The date when Christmas was celebrated",
                Name: "Event Date",
                Value: "December 25, 2019",

D. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 8,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).DateTime(),
                DefaultValue: "2019-12-25",
                Help: "The date when Christmas was celebrated",
                Name: "Event Date",
                Value: "2019-12-25",


Device [computer.png]:

This icon is responsive.

The setting category is Technology that has an ID of 15.

Which uAdmin function will match the given statement above?

A. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 15,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Image(),
                DefaultValue: "/media/images/computer.png",
                Help: "This icon is responsive.",
                Name: "Device",
                Value: "computer.png",

B. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 15,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Image(),
                DefaultValue: "computer.png",
                Help: "This icon is responsive.",
                Name: "Device",
                Value: "/media/images/computer.png",

C. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 15,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Image(),
                DefaultValue: "computer.png",
                Help: "This icon is responsive.",
                Name: "Devices",
                Value: "/media/images/computer.png",

D. setting := uadmin.Setting{
                CategoryID: 15,
                DataType: uadmin.DataType(0).Image(),
                DefaultValue: "computer.png",
                Help: "This icon is responsive",
                Name: "Device",
                Value: "/media/images/computer.png",