Document System Tutorial Part 7 - Register Inlines

In this part, we will talk about register inlines that connects from a parent model to another model.

Inlines is where we keep all registered models’ inlines. It allows you to merge a parent model to a submodel where the foreign key(s) are specified.

Why do we use Register Inlines? We use them to show that the field of a model is related to another model as long as there is a foreign key specified.


    /folder_name/./struct_name of a parent model/{},
        "/sub_model name/": "/parent_model name/ID",

Now let’s apply it in the main.go. Copy the codes below and paste it after the uadmin.Register function.

// Register FolderGroup and FolderUser to Folder model
        "foldergroup": "FolderID",
        "folderuser":  "FolderID",

// Register DocumentVersion, DocumentGroup, and DocumentUser to Document
// model
        "documentgroup":   "DocumentID",
        "documentuser":    "DocumentID",
        "documentversion": "DocumentID",

models.Folder{} is called because the FolderGroup and FolderUser models have foreign key to this model. foldergroup and folderuser are the URL of those models and they are initialized to the FolderID in order to create inlines to the Folder model.

The same thing goes with the Document model. It is called because the DocumentGroup, DocumentUser, and DocumentVersion models have foreign key to this model. documentgroup, documentuser and documentversion are the URL of those models and they are initialized to the DocumentID in order to create inlines to the Document model.

Now let’s run an application. From the Document System Dashboard, click FOLDERS.


Click any of the existing records that you have in this model (e.g. uAdmin).


As you can see, there are two inlines which are FOLDER GROUP and FOLDER USER.


Click on FOLDER GROUP. Inside it, there is a record named Developer because this folder group links to the uAdmin folder.


Click on FOLDER USER. Inside it, there is a record named John Doe because this folder user links to the uAdmin folder.


Now go back to the Document System Dashboard then click DOCUMENTS.


Click the Computer record.


As you can see, there are three inlines which are DOCUMENT USER, DOCUMENT VERSION and DOCUMENT GROUP.


Click on DOCUMENT USER. Inside it, there is a record named John Doe because this document user links to the Computer document.


Click on DOCUMENT VERSION. Inside it, there is a record named 1 because this document user links to the Computer document.


Click on DOCUMENT GROUP. Inside it, there is a record named Developer because this document user links to the Computer document.


Click here to view our progress so far.

In the next part, we will discuss about creating a separate library that contains a drop down list and schema list modifier based on the document list filter that checks the admin status of the user. If it is not an admin, what are the models that user can access to.