Login System Tutorial Part 3 - Sending Request

In this tutorial, we will talk about sending data from login form in HTML to the LoginHandler.

First of all, let’s create another input field in login.html for the OTP.

<form method="POST">
  <!-- Some codes -->

  <input type="text" name="otp" placeholder="OTP"><br>

  <br><button type="submit">Login</button><br>

Go to login.go in views folder and add the post form value parameters for the login request if the form request method is POST then check the results.

// LoginHandler verifies login data and creating sessions for users.
func LoginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    //  Some codes

    // ----------------- ADD THIS CODE HERE ------------------- //
    // If the request method is POST
    if r.Method == "POST" {
        // This is a login request from the user.
        username := r.PostFormValue("username")
        username = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(username))
        password := r.PostFormValue("password")
        otp := r.PostFormValue("otp")

        // Display the results here.
        uadmin.Trail(uadmin.DEBUG, "Username: %s", username)
        uadmin.Trail(uadmin.DEBUG, "Password: %s", password)
        uadmin.Trail(uadmin.DEBUG, "OTP: %s", otp)
    // -------------------------------------------------------- //

    // Render the login filepath and pass the context data object to the HTML file.
    uadmin.RenderHTML(w, r, "templates/login.html", c)

Run your application and go to the login path in the address bar (e.g. Assign the username, password, and OTP password in the login form (e.g. admin, admin, 123456). Click Login button to submit.


Check your terminal for the result.

[  DEBUG ]   Username: admin
[  DEBUG ]   Password: admin
[  DEBUG ]   OTP: 123456

Now let’s apply the login request to the Login2FA function in login.go. Login2FA login using username, password and otp for users with OTPRequired = true. This function will return the session key if the credentials are valid.

// If the request method is POST
if r.Method == "POST" {
    // This is a login request from the user.
    username := r.PostFormValue("username")
    username = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(username))
    password := r.PostFormValue("password")
    otp := r.PostFormValue("otp")

    // -------------- ADD THIS CODE HERE -------------- //
    // Login2FA login using username, password and otp for users with OTPRequired = true.
    session := uadmin.Login2FA(r, username, password, otp)

    // Display the results here.
    uadmin.Trail(uadmin.DEBUG, "Session: %s", session)
    // ----------------------------------------------- //

Run your application. Because we do not have a valid OTP yet, let’s input only the valid username and the password (e.g. admin, admin).


Check your terminal for the result.

[  DEBUG ]   Session: Ux6R9B0U3P70hXhMua7r9Fp3

Click here to view our progress so far.

In the next part, we will discuss about checking the status of the user login with and without OTP validation.