uAdmin Tutorial Part 6 - Applying uAdmin Tags

Create a file named item.go inside your models folder with the following codes below:

package models

import (

// Item Model !
type Item struct {
    Name        string `uadmin:"required"`
    Description string
    Cost        int
    Rating      int

Now register the model on main.go where models is the package name and Item is the model name:

func main() {
        models.Item{},  //  <-- place it here

    // Existing RegisterInlines code

    // ----------- ADD THIS CODE -----------
    uadmin.RegisterInlines(models.Item{}, map[string]string{
        "Todo": "ItemID",
    // ----------- ADD THIS CODE -----------


Set the foreign key of an Item model to the Todo model and apply the tag help to inform the user what are the requirements needed in order to accomplish his activity.

package models

import (


// Todo Model !
type Todo struct {
    Name        string
    Description string `uadmin:"html"`
    Category    Category
    CategoryID  uint
    Friend      Friend `uadmin:"help:Who will be a part of your activity?"`
    FriendID    uint

    // Item Model
    Item        Item `uadmin:"help:What are the requirements needed in order to accomplish your activity?"`
    // Item ID
    ItemID      uint

    TargetDate  time.Time
    Progress    int `uadmin:"progress_bar"`

Now let’s try something much cooler that we can apply in the Item model by adding different types of tags. Before we proceed, add more data in your Item model. Once you are done, let’s add the search tag in the name field of item.go and see what happens.

package models

import (

// Item Model !
type Item struct {
    Name        string `uadmin:"required;search"` // <-- place it here
    Description string
    Cost        int
    Rating      int

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



Search the word mini and see what happens.


Nice! Now go back to item.go and apply the tag categorical_filter and filter in the Name field and see what happens.

Name string `uadmin:"required;search;categorical_filter;filter"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.

In Item model, click the filter button on the upper right.



Now let’s filter the word iPad and see what happens.


We can also apply display_name tag with a given value such as Product Name.

`display_name:Product Name`
Name string `uadmin:"required;search;categorical_filter;filter;display_name:Product Name"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



uAdmin has a default_value tag which will generate a value automatically in the field. Let’s say Computer.

Name string `uadmin:"required;search;categorical_filter;filter;display_name:Product Name;default_value:Computer"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



You can also add multilingual tag in the Description field.

Description string `uadmin:"multilingual"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



If you want to add more languages in your model, go to the Languages in the uAdmin dashboard.


Let’s say I want to add Chinese and Tagalog in the Items model. In order to do that, set the Active as enabled.


Now go back to the Items model and see what happens.


To customize your own languages, visit Language for the instructions.

In the Cost field, set the money tag and see what happens.

Cost int `uadmin:"money"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



You can also set pattern and pattern_msg tag in the Cost field. This means the user must input numbers only. If he inputs otherwise, the pattern message will show up on the screen.

`pattern:^[0-9]*$;pattern_msg:Your input must be a number.`
Cost int `uadmin:"money;pattern:^[0-9]*$;pattern_msg:Your input must be a number."`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



To solve this case, we can use a help tag feature in order to give users a solution to the complex tasks encountered in the model.

`help:Input numeric characters only in this field.`
Cost int `uadmin:"money;pattern:^[0-9]*$;pattern_msg:Your input must be a number.;help:Input numeric characters only in this field."`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.



We can also use min and max tags in the Rating field. Min tag means the minimum value that a user can input and the max one means the maximum value. Let’s set the min value as 1 and the max value as 5.

Rating int `uadmin:"min:1;max:5"`

NOTE: Rebuild your application to take effect.

See what happens if the user inputs the value outside the range.


Well done! Now you know how to apply most of the tags available in our uAdmin framework that are functional in our Todo List project.

See Tag Reference for more examples.

Click here to view our progress so far.

In the next part, we will talk on the concept of M2M and how is it useful in our project.