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Log is a system in uAdmin that is used to add, modify, and delete the status of the user activities.


type Log struct {
    Username  string    `uadmin:"filter;read_only"`
    Action    Action    `uadmin:"filter;read_only"`
    TableName string    `uadmin:"filter;read_only"`
    TableID   int       `uadmin:"filter;read_only"`
    Activity  string    `uadmin:"code;read_only" gorm:"type:longtext"`
    RollBack  string    `uadmin:"link;"`
    CreatedAt time.Time `uadmin:"filter;read_only"`

There are 12 types of actions:

  • Added - Saved a new record
  • Custom - For any other action that you would like to log
  • Deleted - Deleted a record
  • GetSchema - Opened the full schema of the model
  • LoginDenied - User invalid login
  • LoginSuccessful - User login
  • Logout - User logout
  • Modified - Save an existing record
  • PasswordResetDenied - A password reset attempt was rejected
  • PasswordResetRequest - A password reset was received
  • PasswordResetSuccessful - A password was reset
  • Read - Opened a record

There are 5 functions that you can use in Log:

ParseRecord - It means to analyze a record specifically. It uses this format as shown below:

func(a reflect.Value, modelName string, ID uint, user *User, action Action, r *http.Request) (err error)


  • a reflect.Value: An interface initialized in NewModel function
  • modelName string: The name of the model in lowercase letters
  • ID uint: The ID of the model
  • user *User: What account is using in the session
  • action Action: An activity status
  • r *http.Request: A data structure that represents the client HTTP request

Go to Example #2: ParseRecord function to see how ParseRecord works.

PasswordReset - It keeps track when the user resets his password. It uses this format as shown below:

func(user string, action Action, r *http.Request) (err error)


  • user string: An account username
  • action Action: An activity status
  • r *http.Request: A data structure that represents the client HTTP request

Go to Example #3: PasswordReset function to see how PasswordReset works.

Save() - Saves the object in the database

SignIn - It keeps track when the user signs in his account. It uses this format as shown below:

func(user string, action Action, r *http.Request) (err error)


  • user string: An account username
  • action Action: An activity status
  • r *http.Request: A data structure that represents the client HTTP request

Go to Example #4: SignIn function to see how SignIn works.

String() - Returns the Log ID

Example #1: Assigning values in Log fields

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Go to the main.go and apply the following codes below after the RegisterInlines section.

func main(){

    // Some codes

    log := uadmin.Log{
        Username:  "admin",
        Action:    uadmin.Action(0).Custom(),
        TableName: "Todo",
        TableID:   1,
        Activity:  "Custom Add from the source code",
        RollBack:  "",
        CreatedAt: time.Now(),

    // This will create a new log based on the information assigned in
    // the log variable.

    // Returns the Log ID
    uadmin.Trail(uadmin.INFO, "String() returns %s.", log.String())

Now run your application and see what happens.


[  INFO  ]   String() returns 1.

Example #2: ParseRecord function

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Suppose you have this log record as shown below:


And you have a record that has an ID of 1 in your Todo model that has an ID of 9.


Create a file named parserecord.go in the API folder and apply the following codes below:

package api

import (


// ParseRecordAPIHandler !
func ParseRecordAPIHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // r.URL.Path creates a new path called "/parse_record/"
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/parse_record")
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/")

    // Get the session key
    session := uadmin.IsAuthenticated(r)

    // Initialize the log model from uAdmin
    log := uadmin.Log{}

    // Call the category model and set the pointer to true
    m, _ := uadmin.NewModel("todo", true)

    // Get the first record in todo model
    uadmin.Get(m.Interface(), "id = 1")

    // Change the name to "Read a magazine" in the first record
    uadmin.Update(m.Interface(), "Name", "Read a magazine", "id = 1")

    // m - An interface initialized in NewModel function
    // "todo" - Assigned model name
    // 9 - The ID of the Todo model
    // &session.User - Returns the full name of the user
    // log.Action.Modified() - An action status that says Modified
    // r - A data structure that represents the client HTTP request
    log.ParseRecord(m, "todo", 9, &session.User, log.Action.Modified(), r)

    // Save the parsed log record

Establish a connection in the main.go to the API by using http.HandleFunc. It should be placed after the uadmin.Register and before the StartServer.

func main() {
    // Some codes

    // ParseRecordAPIHandler
    http.HandleFunc("/parse_record/", uadmin.Handler(api.ParseRecordAPIHandler))

Now run your application and go to /parse_record/ path in the address bar after the host link (e.g. http://localhost:8080/parse_record/). This will not print anything but a white screen.


Go to uAdmin dashboard and click on “LOGS” to see the result.


As expected, the new record was saved in the logs.


Example #3: PasswordReset function

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Suppose you have this log record as shown below:


And you have the System Admin record that has an ID of 1.


Create a file named passwordreset.go in the API folder and apply the following codes below:

package api

import (


// PasswordResetAPIHandler !
func PasswordResetAPIHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // r.URL.Path creates a new path called "/password_reset/"
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/password_reset")
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/")

    // Initialize the log model from uAdmin
    log := uadmin.Log{}

    // Initialize the user model from uAdmin
    user := uadmin.User{}

    // Get the first record in todo model
    uadmin.Get(&user, "id = ?", 1)

    // user.Username - Gets the username value from the user model
    // log.Action.PasswordResetRequest() - An action status that says
    // PasswordResetRequest
    // r - A data structure that represents the client HTTP request
    log.PasswordReset(user.Username, log.Action.PasswordResetRequest(), r)

    // Save the log record

Establish a connection in the main.go to the API by using http.HandleFunc. It should be placed after the uadmin.Register and before the StartServer.

func main() {
    // Some codes

    // PasswordResetAPIHandler
    http.HandleFunc("/password_reset/", uadmin.Handler(api.PasswordResetAPIHandler))

Now run your application and go to /password_reset/ path in the address bar after the host link (e.g. http://localhost:8080/password_reset/). This will not print anything but a white screen.


Go to uAdmin dashboard and click on “LOGS” to see the result.


As expected, the new record was saved in the logs.


Example #4: SignIn function

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Suppose you have this log record as shown below:


And you have the System Admin record that has an ID of 1.


Create a file named signin.go in the API folder and apply the following codes below:

package api

import (


// SignInAPIHandler !
func SignInAPIHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    // r.URL.Path creates a new path called "/sign_in/"
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/sign_in")
    r.URL.Path = strings.TrimSuffix(r.URL.Path, "/")

    // Initialize the log model from uAdmin
    log := uadmin.Log{}

    // Initialize the user model from uAdmin
    user := uadmin.User{}

    // Get the first record in todo model
    uadmin.Get(&user, "id = ?", 1)

    // user.Username - Gets the username value from the user model
    // log.Action.LoginSuccessful() - An action status that says
    // LoginSuccessful
    // r - A data structure that represents the client HTTP request
    log.SignIn(user.Username, log.Action.LoginSuccessful(), r)

    // Save the log record

Establish a connection in the main.go to the API by using http.HandleFunc. It should be placed after the uadmin.Register and before the StartServer.

func main() {
    // Some codes

    // SignInAPIHandler
    http.HandleFunc("/sign_in/", uadmin.Handler(api.SignInAPIHandler))

Now run your application and go to /sign_in/ path in the address bar after the host link (e.g. http://localhost:8080/sign_in/). This will not print anything but a white screen.


Go to uAdmin dashboard and click on “LOGS” to see the result.


As expected, the new record was saved in the logs.
