uAdmin Tutorial Part 1 - Build A Project

In this part, we will build upon the Todo list from home.

Folder Structure

There is no required folder structure, but from experience we found the following structure to work and scale well for a uAdmin projects:

    models/     # Automatically Generated - DB models
    api/        # Automatically Generated - Custom API
    views/      # Automatically Generated - Custom UI HTTP Handlers
    media/      # Automatically Generated - User uploads
        files           # This is where your uploaded files are stored.
        images          # This is where your uploaded images are stored.
        otp             # This is where your OTPs are stored in PNG format.
    static/     # Automatically Generated - Static files (images/js/css...)
        i18n            # This is where the JSON files for translation are stored.
        uadmin          # Built-in files for uadmin
    templates/  # Automatically Generated - HTML Templates

The first time you run your project, these folders are automatically generated for you.

Models is where your external models are located. In order to access those models in the dashboard, uadmin.Register function is necessary to be done in main.go which will be discussed in the next part of this tutorial.

API is where back-end and front-end will communicate. Either the records stored in uAdmin database or the data that was stored in AJAX function from Javascript will pass to the JSON based on the query by matching the fields from a specific model and their values. AJAX call will perform the tasks.

Views is where back-end and front-end will communicate. Unlike in API, handlers does not use a query or JSON to store data. Instead, it creates a replicate model struct based on uAdmin model(s) to store values on each field then pass the context variable into the ExecuteTemplate function which will be discussed in the later part of this tutorial.

Media is where your uploaded multimedia files are located. It can be files, images, OTPs, sounds, and many others.

Static is where the built-in files for uAdmin such as JSON for translation are located.

Templates is where the themes for uAdmin are located.

In the next part we will talk about the difference between internal and external models.